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Configuration for Other connection via CSV file

Currently, the only supported connection is Snowflake, we'll see more added in the near future.

In the meantime, using a CSV file is a good alternative.

1. Configure the dbt profile

Let's create a new target for CSV in the dbt profiles.yml file:

  target: dev
      type: csv
      dir: ./.cache
      # dir: "{{ env_var('DQT_CSV_DIR') }}"

2. Generate CSV file

No matter what CLI tool you use, it is required to query and save data into a .csv file in .cache folder.

The default file name is csv__data.csv.

The file's schema must be defined with the same column names as specified in Custom Query Config

3. Alerting

diqu alert --target dev \
  --query-dir ./.cache --query_file csv__data.csv
  --package csv