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Configuration for Custom query

If you're not using dq-tools package or even dbt, no problem, we're supporting a custom query directly to your data table/view.

The steps are as follows:

1. Prepare SQL script

Assuming we have a custom script named issues.sql which is located in the current directory.

The script has to provide the expected columns required for all modules below:

Field Description
test_id The unique identifier of the test.
test_status Status of the test: 'pass', 'warn', 'fail', 'deprecate'. Example: accepted_values_my_first_dbt_model_id__False__1__2.ee252c12b8
test_title Test's title to be shown in your module (e.g. in the Jira module, test_title is used as the issue's summary: 🟡 | Warning in test: test_id [dq-tools]).
check_timestamp Test execution timestamp.
no_of_records_scanned Number of rows scanned.
no_of_records_failed Number of rows that did not pass the test.
failed_rate Percentage of no_of_records_failed / nullif(no_of_records_scanned, 0) as failed_rate.
tag_1 Your 1st test tag (e.g. 'accepted_value').
tag_2 Your 2nd test tag (e.g. Accuracy).
prev_statuses An array of previous statuses (e.g array_agg(test_status_emoji) within group (order by check_timestamp desc) as prev_statuses).
prev_check_timestamps An array of previous execution times of this test (e.g array_agg(check_timestamp) within group (order by check_timestamp desc) as prev_check_timestamps).
prev_no_of_records_scanned An array of previous row scanned (e.g array_agg(no_of_records_scanned) within group (order by check_timestamp desc) as prev_no_of_records_scanned).
prev_no_of_records_failed An array of previous row failed (e.g array_agg(no_of_records_failed) within group (order by check_timestamp desc) as prev_no_of_records_failed).
priority Your priority level for each test. This field will be used for ordering the issues list in all modules. It is recommended to use numbers to simplify the process.

Let's build your SELECT query:

-- issue.sql

select  'your_value' as test_id,
        'your_value' as test_status,
        'your_value' as test_title,
        'your_value' as check_timestamp,
        'your_value' as no_of_records_scanned,
        'your_value' as no_of_records_failed,
        'your_value' as failed_rate,
        'your_value' as tag_1,
        'your_value' as tag_2,
        'your_value' as prev_statuses,
        'your_value' as prev_check_timestamps,
        'your_value' as prev_no_of_records_scanned,
        'your_value' as prev_no_of_records_failed,
        'your_value' as priority,

from    your_table

2. Alerting

Setting up env vars

Set up Query variables: Query Variables Config

Set up Alert Module variables:

Executing alert actions

# prepare the env vars first
# run alerting
diqu alert --query-file issue.sql